



有兴趣在世纪挑战集团攻读学位或证书的学生可以通过招生办公室申请特定的课程,并且必须满足该课程的所有入学要求. 建议您提交完整的申请和成绩单,以确保在注册截止日期之前有时间处理.


申请入学, 在线申请 or contact the 招生办公室 and ask for an admissions packet.

• 锁定学位要求

• 申请经济资助

• 接收您的程序的通知信息

• 优惠登记

• 与系里的教员建立更紧密的联系

• 达到全职工作


申请以滚动方式接受. 通常, an early application helps assure qualified applicants of acceptance to their program of choice.

某些课程,如汽车技术, 烹饪艺术, and many health degree programs are high-demand programs. These programs fill early in the application year. Applicants to these programs are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. 临床化验技术员申请表, 牙科协助, 口腔卫生, 放射技术, and 外科手术技术 must be submitted by January 31. Applications for 护理 must be submitted by January 31 for the Fall semester and October 31 for the Spring semester.


1. 完成入学申请

2. Submit transcripts from high school and colleges (if applicable) directly to 世纪挑战集团. Applicants with High School Equivalency Diplomas must also send their score reports.

3. Complete Accuplacer Placement testing, if required.

标准化考试的结果, such as the American College Test (ACT) or the SAT, assist the 招生 Committee with admissions decisions but are not a requirement for admission.


An applicant may be conditionally admitted into a program of study. This means that the student must satisfy certain requirements before or during the first semester. 有条件接受的例子包括:

• 提交成绩单.

• Completion of entrance requirements during the summer or first semester.

• A minimum grade-point average for the first semester of enrollment.

• Limited credit hours during the first semester of enrollment.

Failure to satisfy admission conditions can forfeit your matriculation or result in academic suspension.


A. 高中毕业生

Students who will earn or have earned a local or Regents high school diploma.

B. Students Who Have Earned a High School Equivalency Diploma (GED/TASC)

C. 初入学

认识到某些成绩优异的高中生可能会受益于比他们预定的大学入学日期更早开始上大学, 世纪挑战集团 offers an 初入学 Program for qualified high school students.

学生在完成高中文凭的正式课程之前,可以在世纪挑战集团全日制学习特定的学位课程. 成功完成世纪挑战集团一年级的学习,并事先与学生所在高中达成协议,学生将获得高中文凭.

Students may apply for early admission to all programs except 牙科协助, 口腔卫生, 护理, 外科手术技术, 临床化验技术员 and 放射技术.

Please note: early admission students are not eligible to receive federal Title IV 金融援助.

D. 荣誉学院入学





E. 在家学习的学生

我们强烈建议所有在家接受教育的学生在入学前与入学顾问会面,以了解家庭教育学生的政策. 政策可能会改变.

F. 转学生和高级学分

已完成大学课程的入学候选人需要遵循常规申请程序. 候选人还必须要求以前就读的学院的注册官将他或她的学习成绩的正式成绩单发送到世纪挑战集团的招生办公室. 欲知详情,请浏览 cph.nkgx.net/admissions.

G. 重新接纳学生

以前参加过世纪挑战集团的学生,但已经停了一个多学期或正在返回不同的课程,必须重新申请. Students who stopped out for one semester and are returning to the same program don’t need to reapply.

H. 第二学位候选人

A student wishing to pursue a second degree at 世纪挑战集团 must reapply for admission.

I. 国际学生

Any student seeking an F-1 student visa must apply to the College via SUNY Application for Admission http://www.suny.edu/applysuny/. 申请人必须证明高中毕业/完成学业,并在以前的大学工作中取得令人满意的学术成绩(如果适用)。.

Application Procedures for 国际学生

1. 检查 国际学生申请须知.

2. Meet program of study requirements as outlined in this catalog. 国际学生可以选择的学习项目列在国际学生申请说明中. International students are not eligible for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program.

3. 所有来自英语不是主要语言或教育语言的国家的申请人必须提交英语作为外语考试(托福)或国际英语语言测试服务(雅思)的成绩。. Minimum score for consideration is 55 on the Internet-based TOEFL and minimum score band is 5.雅思0分.

4. Submit translated official high school and college transcripts. 寻求转学分的国际学生应在以下方面接受世界教育服务(WES)对其外国证书的评估.800.937.3899 or www.韦斯.org.

5. Submit documented evidence of adequate financing to cover cost of tuition, 费用, 书, 房间, 伙食费及其他生活费. 完成纽约州立大学FSA-4表格(国际学生财务报表),并附上你的经济支持证据. Financial aid is not available to international students.

6. International students who hold an F-1 or J-1 visa are required to have accident and illness insurance. It is necessary to purchase health insurance to receive care when you are sick or injured. 健康保险要求可以通过购买学校提供的学生健康保险计划来满足. 有关该计划的进一步信息如下 网上. The cost of the insurance is added to your student bill. Insurance is also available for dependents of students.

Students who submit proof of alternate comparable U.S. insurance coverage may be eligible for a waiver to decline the college health plan. 申请免除大学健康保险应以书面形式提交给卫生服务部, 建筑3, 165房间, 学期开始后30天内. Please include a copy of the insurance identification card and verification of the benefits. The alternate insurance must include comprehensive benefits for doctor and dentist visits, 诊断测试, 药物, 急救和住院.

Application Deadline for 国际学生

Applicants for January admission must complete admissions procedures by November 15. Applicants for September admission must complete admissions procedures by June 1. Final evaluation will take place when all admissions credentials have been submitted. 被录取的学生将获得I-20表格.

J. 竞争性招生项目

临床化验技术员, 牙科协助, 口腔卫生, 护理, RadiologicTechnology and 外科手术技术 are competitive admissions programs. 请检查 current program criteria and/or geographic limitations.

K. 函授高中文凭
Students from other states possessing non-traditional high school diplomas, 比如函授学校, 必须提供学生所在州的教育部门认可该文凭作为高中毕业证明的证明吗.


L. 接纳前罪犯

纽约州立大学(SUNY)的政策禁止SUNY [CAMPUS]的入学申请询问申请人先前的犯罪历史. 验收后, 如果学生寻求校园住宿或参加临床或实地体验,学院应询问学生以前是否被判犯有重罪, 实习或出国留学项目. 根据纽约州立大学有关此类定罪的政策,要求披露的信息应由一个常设校园委员会进行审查,该委员会应符合纽约州惩戒法所阐述的法律标准.

以前被判犯有重罪的学生被告知,他们以前的犯罪历史可能会妨碍他们完成某些学术课程的要求和/或满足某些职业的执照要求. 建议对这些问题有担忧的学生联系其预期学术课程的院长办公室.

M. 非文凭高中毕业证书

纽约州提供两种证书, 职业发展与职业研究开始证书和技能与成就开始证书. 如果学生获得这些证书之一, 而且它并不附带正规的文凭, the student may not be eligible for financial aid at 世纪挑战集团 using this credential. 以前,国家提供IEP文凭.

注册ing for 课程 for Personal Enrichment

非入学学生是指那些为了满足个人需要和兴趣而学习课程,而不申请学位或证书候选人资格的学生. Students attending non-matriculated are not eligible to receive financial aid.

学院保留要求任何希望注册课程的人进行分班测试和/或个人面试的权利. 根据博彩网址大全的要求,需要参加分班测试的非入学学生必须达到令人满意的水平才能注册. 世纪挑战集团 will deny registration privileges to any student who does not comply with this procedure.